Pick a Countertop Based on How You Clean It


There are different types of materials that can be used to create the ideal kitchen countertop, but what many people don’t realize is that each type is cleaned a certain way. With so many options to choose from, how can you be sure that you select the one that fits what you are looking for?

Know the Distinctions

Not all countertops are the same. This is an important starting point. Some countertops are more durable and expensive than others. For instance, quartz is the sturdiest countertop available. Although it tends to be more expensive than other countertops, it is scratch-resistant and requires less cleaning. All you have to do is use a warm, wet rag to clean the surface.


Another type of countertop material is wood. This type makes for a nice look in the kitchen, but can be more challenging to clean. In addition to washing them after each use, it is strongly recommended that each month you wash and oil them.


A type commonly used is granite. This material provides a more lavish touch to your kitchen. One of the best parts about using granite is that it is often reasonably priced. It is generally a good idea to wipe down the countertops after each use. Average cleaners are known to erode the seal, so try to avoid using those.


Proper Maintenance Helps It Last

If you are unsure about what type of cleaner to use on your countertops, make an effort to contact the professional who installed them. It is important to take care of your countertops because it will not only enable longevity, but also minimize the risk of bacteria growth, which could in turn lead to potential sickness.


Choosing a kitchen countertop often depends on what is most cost-effective and easiest to clean. Remember to reach out to a professional anytime you have questions or concerns.