How to Save Money on Kitchen Countertops

Saving Money on Countertops

Kitchen countertops maintain a lot of space in a kitchen, making them a prime target for friends, family and guests to see when they come for a visit. Wanting them to look their best can therefore end being more and more of a nuisance the more dated and overused they become. When it’s time to give your kitchen counters an upgrade, however, finding a style and material you want can be tricky if there’s a strict budget involved. Though a complete kitchen remodel may not be an option, there are still plenty of ways to spruce up a kitchen’s countertops without spending a fortune.

Buff Them Into a New Sheen

People generally wipe down their counters at the end of the day, but it may be time to give them a deep clean for an entirely new look. After multiple prep sessions and delicious meals have come and gone and it’s time for a quick clean, but the extra stubborn stains stay behind, finding new ways to refresh the surface of your countertops is paramount. Determine the correct material of your kitchen countertops and discover products on the market that can give the surface stains a greater fight.  


Don’t Use Counters as Storage Space

After a long day, it’s easy for anyone casually toss their things onto the countertop, leaving the surface looking like a storage locker. Taking more time to declutter and utilizing the area for its rightful purpose can have the kitchen looking more flawless and polished in a matter of minutes.


Refinish for a Whole New Appearance

Refinishing kitchen counters is a common option, used as a way of giving kitchen counters a true makeover. Stone, tile and wood surfaces make refinishing a breeze, even for those who choose to save a few extra dollars by completing the work themselves.


While brand new, shiny kitchen countertops are a dream for most everyone, sometimes the dream escapes the realistic budget. Save money with your current counters by simply redefining the space you already have.